My coworker and NEW friend, Erin makes an appearance on my electrifying blog. She has now utilized 5 of her 15 minutes of fame. Our excursion led to many Smalltimore moments; ranging from old high school sweethearts to foes alike :)

People walking on Charles.

Art cars...this particular one tickled my fancy. My fav from last year wasn't there; the one that has dancing lobsters and fish? Oh well, this'll do.

Stilt women. There were a lot.
A bit further down Charles, there was a healthy collection of food vendors; ranging from the fantabulous falafel fellows from the JFX Farmer's Market to the eccentric smoothie entrepreneurs from Wheely Good Smoothies...details below.
Ok. Best idea ever. Who needs blenders to mix your smoothies when you can have quirky MICA students build bike contraptions that blend your smoothies FOR you with your own leg power. Leave it to Baltimore! Check the name- "Wheely Good Smoothies" ha. Check the smoothie prices too...yikes! 50 extra cents if you have an employee "blend" it for you.
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