So.....I saw He's Just Not That Into You last night at Landmark Theaters in Harbor East. First of all, every single women in Baltimore was at this showing. Guys, I am telling you, if you want an easy place to pick up women, go see this movie. Honestly, my bf was 1 of 4 guys I counted in an almost sold out showing.
The movie was GREAT. Yes, I am admitting to absolutely truly loving this blatant chic flick. But guess what? So did my bf! This film touches on every potential dysfunctional relationship scenario. Each separate relationship and narrative is intertwined through mutual friends, etc. Every unique subplot was just as exciting- I found myself looking forward more so to the interactions between Justin Long-"Alex" and Big Love's Ginnifer Goodwin-"Gigi" (btw, I love this name and totally fit Ginnifer;s character) Her innocence and naive approach to dating was so sweet and well, hopeless. With the help of jaded womanizer-ish, Alex, she believes shes figured out the mystery of men and dating. Trust me, the dynamics of them together are just totally adorable.
While Gigi and Alex are exploring the dating world, Jennifer Aniston- "Beth" and Ben Affleck- "Neil" 7 year relationship is coming to a head as Beth decides she can no longer remain with the guy of her dreams if he will never marry her. This scenario isn't typical because usually the guy who just doesn't want to get married, is sort of not worthwhile; in this case, Neil is a phenomenal, sensitive, compassionate guy...who honestly doesn't exist in the real world. AND he owns a boat which was a nice touch.
I have to mention that Scarlet Johansen looked scandalous in this. It was a combination of the obtuse styling ranging from low cut busty dressses to even sexy sweatpants? The bright red lipstick and bleach blond hair bordered on sloppy. Her vixen aesthetic didn't really fit her yoga teacher lifestyle which is supposedly what she was in the film.
Ok- so throughout the movie, I was able to recognize a number of Baltimore locations...
A lot was filmed in Historic Fells on Thames Street. Alex and Gigi have a date at the Waterfront which they call something else...I think there was a scene in Canton Square...all the row homes were beautiful and so uber Baltimore, I think in Patterson Park or maybe Fed Hill...Basset Hounds were mentioned but that's not really Baltimore-related...I was surprised to not have been able to recognize any of Mt Vernon, I know they did some shooting there...OH! Brewer's Hill is where Kevin Connolly-"Conor" lived. Can I just say that I have never seen Baltimore row home interiors that look as nice as the ones in this movie; someone please tell me where these are so I can go buy one?
I have to say, I think this film really portrayed Baltimore in a positive light and represented it authentically; with the exception of like not a single minority in the entire film-maybe one cameo. So maybe the demographics were off slightly, but at least it was in Baltimore!
This movie is a hit, go see it. Now I better read the book.
Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck lived in what I am pretty sure was somewhere in Locust Point, and Justin Long lived somewhere in Canton (based on the view of Natty Boh Tower from his window). Jennifer Connolly's place was in Little Italy. Gigi totally seemed like a Hampden girl, but I'm pretty sure it was Mt. Vernon, and there was an outdoor scene or two that featured the streets of Mt. Vernon - but I remember when they were filming it and they really changed it to not look like Baltimore. At first I thought this was because the setting was not supposed to be Baltimore, which is weird because it was set here.
There was an outside shot of Aliceanna St near Pazo.
It was a good movie, surprised that it was still basically sold out when you went to see it - but I guess that makes sense with Valentine's Day this weekend!
I dragged Dejan too!! haha But i was little upset, most of it wasn't filmed in Balto....my friend actually was an extra and had a couple cameos, and all the scenes he was in were shot in LA. It looked like a lot of the scenes through the windows were fake. but still happy it was based in b more....made me miss it a lot!
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