A bud just told me about this crazy guy in South Beach who has been running 8 miles a day EVERYDAY for the last 34 years! The first 8 years or so, he did this predominantly by himself but now greets fellow runners who want to share in the "experience" with him; they call it the Raven Run. Over 560 runners have joined him over the years. It's not the 56 mile weeks that's challenging, its the rate of consistency that is the hardest part. To be somewhere everyday at a certain time to do the same thing; well that is just impressive.
The daily Raven Run starts and ends at the same place; sixth street lifeguard stand everyday without fail. 4PM in the winter and 5PM after daylight savings :)
The ONLY reason this can be accomplished, is because the guy lives in South Beach. Who DOESN'T want to run on the beach everyday and watch the sunset? Come on! Although we could probably find someone crazy enough in Baltimore to get this going. Anyone up to the challenge? Ryan?
The site is really neat and has a lot of interactive components and quirky runner profiles. This kinda stuff is why I like to run...
Thanks Sara!!!
YAY! You are welcome!
i think we saw this guy and his group when we were down there. kind of a weird group of people - but, some might say the same about fed hill on monday nights.
That also means he hasn't gone on vacation in 8 years and that is sad
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